Do’s And Don’ts After Breast Augmentation

Do’s And Don’ts After Breast Augmentation

Do’s And Don’ts After Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation in Adelaide is one of the procedures we provide at the highest level for our patients, but just like any surgical procedure, for the best results and outcomes, proper recovery is critical. In order for you to achieve the aesthetic you want, and to also take care of your health, it’s important to follow all the aftercare instructions and allow your body time to heal. If you’re planning on having breast augmentation surgery done, you would want to be prepared beforehand. Our team will help you design a recovery plan that is tailored to you according to your body, the particular procedure you had, and how your body is recovering.

Types of Breast Surgery

  • Breast augmentation
  • Breast reduction
  • Breast lift
  • Breast reconstruction
  • Breast revision surgery

What to Expect Immediately After Breast Augmentation

  • After the procedure, you will very likely feel tired and out of it. You will also feel sore in some parts of your body, which is normal because you’ve just undergone surgery.
  • You will be sedated or put under anesthesia during surgery, so it’s very normal to feel confused, drowsy, and ill after you wake up.
  • You might feel some tightness in your chest area and have swelling and bruising too.
  • Your surgeon might instruct you to wear compression bandages to alleviate some of the pain and pressure.
  • You might be sent home with a drainage bulb which will be monitored closely.
  • Your surgeon will allow you to shower after 24 hours, but you might not be allowed to swim or take baths.
  • You can’t drive yourself back home, and you can’t be alone overnight after the surgery.


  1. Your breasts are going to be swollen for up to 6 weeks after the procedure, and that’s normal. Wait to start shopping for new clothes and bras until the swelling had fully gone down.
  2. Avoid putting any strain on your chest and arms for the duration of your recovery. Take it easy, and let your body heal.

What to Wear

  1. As you wait for the swelling to go down, you will be instructed to wear a compression bra or a medical support bra, without underwiring, as underwire bras can affect the healing process and the positioning of the implants. A seamless sports bra can also work well.
  2. Don’t wear any tight-fitting tops or dresses because this will make you feel uncomfortable. Opt for loose-fitting tunics, t-shirts and sweaters.
  3. Your surgeon will let you know how long to wait before you can return to work, but within a week you should be able to resume your normal daily activities if your job isn’t too strenuous.

Food and Drink

  1. For your recovery, you will be prescribed strong painkillers and other medications, so it’s important that you don’t drink alcohol post-op and also drink in moderation in the 6 weeks following the surgery.
  2. In your recovery phase, it’s also important to stay away from caffeine in the following weeks because it can negatively impact the recovery process. Drink lots of water instead, because it will avoid dehydration which can also slow your recovery.
  3. What you put in your body impacts your healing. Opt for fresh foods, vegetables, nuts, whole grains and other foods that will support the healing of your body.

Breast Augmentation Adelaide

Breast augmentation is a highly popular procedure across the world, and in order for patients to have a great outcome, post-op care is key. It’s important for you to follow all the recovery instructions, and be kind to your body in the days and weeks following the operation. For great support and care before, during and after the surgery, get in touch with us and we’ll help you achieve your goals.

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