Eyelid Reduction

Eyelid Reduction Adelaide

Eyelid Reduction Snap Shot Adelaide

  • Removal of excess or redundant tissue from the upper or lower eyelid is known as blepharoplasty
  • It is a fairly straight forward procedure with relatively short recovery
  • In many cases, Medicare and your private health fund will provide some rebates

For many, the ageing process can result in sagging or drooping eyelids. This can make you look and feel tired as well as obstruct your vision. People with heavy eyelids often have had years of over compensating by excessively lifting their eyebrows. With time, this compounds the appearance and feeling of heaviness and tiredness to the upper face. The process of removing excess tissue from the eyelids can improve your vision and make you look and feel refreshed.

In some cases, all that is needed is to remove redundant skin, while in others, the procedure can involve removing bulky muscle, fat and repairing structures that have stretched and weakened with age. No matter what is required for your surgery, the goal is the same. You simply want to have clearer vision and look fresher for yourself, your friends and your family. It is important that eyelids are not overdone so that you look as natural as possible. It is a procedure this is suitable for both men and women.

The procedure takes 1 hour and is usually performed under twilight anaesthesia. You would be discharged several hours after your procedure to the care of a responsible adult.

Dr Lam would expect you to take at least 10 days off work to allow bruising and swelling to settle. You would have a follow up appointment at 5-7 days post-surgery to remove the sutures. In Dr Lam’s hands, the scar will already be difficult to see by 2 weeks and just about imperceptible in the ensuing months.

Medicare and your private health fund can often provide rebates for upper eyelid reductions, but lower eyelid reductions are considered cosmetic. As of November 1st 2018, to qualify for the Medicare item number for the upper eyelid reduction, you need to have a documented visual field obstruction documented by an optometrist. Please consult your private health fund to clarify whether you will qualify for any rebates.

If you would like to talk to Dr Lam about freshening up your eyelids, please contact Cranford House Plastic Surgery to make an appointment to speak to Dr Lam.