What are the risks of CoolSculpting?

What are the risks of CoolSculpting?

Although considered safe, CoolSculpting has some potential risks and side-effects.

If you’re interested in enhancing your body’s shape without opting for surgical procedures, you may want to explore non-invasive alternatives such as CoolSculpting. This treatment effectively targets and eliminates persistent fat deposits while preserving surrounding tissues and cells. Utilizing controlled cooling, it permanently eradicates fat cells in a comfortable and minimally discomforting manner. It is however, essential to be aware that, like any medical treatment, there are potential risks and side effects associated with it — here’s what you should know…

1. Skin irritation is possible

CoolSculpting is considered both effective and safe, and while it is a suitable body contouring procedure for most people, it is possible to experience some skin irritation following the treatment. This irritation can occur because the skin is exposed to an extremely cold temperature. Some of the possible side-effects of this exposure to cold temperatures include swelling, bruising, skin sensitivity and skin discolouration. The good news, however, is that these side effects are temporary and should resolve with time.

2. You might feel mild aching

Most people find the CoolSculpting procedure to be completely painless, but in some cases, it is possible to feel a slight stinging sensation or aching feeling at the site of treatment. This mild and temporary discomfort can be caused by the exposure to extreme cold on which the treatment process relies. If you are concerned about any pain that you feel after your treatment, be sure to chat to your practitioner, but bear in mind that this side-effect usually resolves on its own within a few days without any intervention.

3. Paradoxical adipose hyperplasia is a rare risk

Although extremely rare, paradoxical adipose hyperplasia is a possible side-effect of CoolSculpting. This phenomenon occurs when the fat cells at the site of treatment become larger, rather than smaller. This issue usually occurs a couple of months after treatment and is most likely in male patients. The problem does not have any health implications and is usually a cosmetic concern that can be resolved by means of liposuction.

4. Make sure you’re a good candidate

The best way to ensure that you achieve optimal results with CoolSculpting is to check that you are a suitable candidate for treatment before you go ahead with the procedure. It is important to understand that the treatment is not a weight loss method and is effective at removing localised deposits of fatty tissue. If you are overweight or obese, it is advisable that you try a healthy and sustainable weight loss method to achieve your ideal body weight before considering a contouring treatment. CoolSculpting gets rid of small amounts of excess fat and will not be effective when it comes to weight loss.

Ideal candidates for CoolSculpting treatment are typically those who are at a stable and healthy body weight but are struggling with stubborn areas of fat despite exercise and good dietary habits. Ideal candidates should also be in good overall health.

How can we help?

At Cranford House Plastic Surgery, we offer a number of non-surgical procedures, including CoolSculpting. If you would like to get rid of stubborn fat cells without damaging other tissues, we encourage you to come in and discuss the treatment with us. We will let you know if you are a suitable candidate, and if so, guide you through the process from beginning to end. All of our treatments are performed by a specialist who has received all the necessary training.

If you would like to find out more about CoolSculpting and what the process involves, please have a look here.

If you would like to arrange a consultation to see us, please don’t hesitate to get in touch here or give us a call on 08 7070 0596. We are happy to answer any questions that you have about your treatment of choice and to address any concerns that you might have.

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