
Abdominoplasty Adelaide

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  • This procedure removes excess skin and fat from your lower abdomen
  • The muscles of you abdomen are reshaped and contoured
  • The surgery will be performed under general anaesthesia in a major hospital
  • Surgery takes 3hrs and you will be required to stay in hospital for 2-5 nights
  • Recovery
    • about 4-6 weeks
    • you will not be able to drive for about 3 weeks
    • you will need support during your first 2 weeks at home
    • you will need to wear an abdominal binder for 8 weeks post-surgery. It is best to buy 2 of these pre-operatively in preparation for the surgery

The Abdominoplasty Adelaide is a procedure that can address excess lower abdominal skin that has come about through previous pregnancies or dramatic weight loss. Those seeking an abdominoplasty in Adelaide often have trouble controlling abdominal skin with their clothing and underwear. They may also have concerns of excess abdominal tissue, such as the presence of an “apron” or skin that drapes when you lean forward, which can lead to chronic rashes and discomfort.

The abdominoplasty or tummy tuck procedure is straightforward in theory, yet it demands a thorough grasp of the body’s natural contours to achieve harmonious outcomes.

The abdominoplasty procedure involves removing excess skin in a shape that results in a contoured waistline. Dr Lam will also take great care in tightening your underlying musculature to act as an internal corset. The scars are kept as low as possible and as short as possible. Liposuction is a useful adjunct to abdominoplasty and should be considered if you have significant fullness to your waist that extends backwards from your hips.

In an ideal world, you should not be considering future pregnancies and your weight should be modest and stable before considering an abdominoplasty.

At your first consultation, Dr Lam will explore your goals in the context of your general health, weight and lifestyle. Dr Lam will examine your abdomen and discuss the details of the surgery unique to you and your body.

Smoking is a significant risk factor for complications related to surgery and should be stopped in the absence of nicotine replacements for at least 3 months prior to surgery.

There is a Medicare item number that can help to cover the costs of surgery in some instances. As of November 1st 2018, the Medicare item numbers have changed, please contact us to find out about these changes. This is not applicable to everyone and you should consult your health fund to see if you qualify for this rebate.

Frequently Asked Questions

Abdominoplasty flattens and tones the abdominal area, removes excess skin and fat, repairs weakened or separated abdominal muscles and provides potential health benefits such as improved posture and reduced back pain. However, it’s important to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon and consider the potential risks and complications before undergoing this major surgical procedure.

Abdominoplasty, like any surgical procedure, will result in some scarring. However, the location and extent of the scarring will depend on the specific technique used by your plastic surgeon.

In most cases, the incision for surgery is made across the lower abdomen, just above the pubic area. This incision allows your surgeon to remove excess skin and fat and repair abdominal muscles as needed. The resulting scar will be located low on the abdomen and can typically be concealed by clothing or swimwear.

Your surgeon will take steps to minimise scarring, such as using precise surgical techniques, closing the incision with fine sutures, and providing post-operative care instructions to promote optimal healing.

It’s important to discuss any concerns you may have about scarring with your plastic surgeon before undergoing abdominoplasty surgery. With proper care and attention to surgical techniques, scarring can be minimised, and the overall results of the procedure can provide significant aesthetic and functional benefits.

The results of abdominoplasty can typically be seen immediately after the procedure, but full results may take several weeks to several months to be fully apparent. Following your surgeon’s post-operative care instructions closely is important for optimal healing. Most patients can return to work and normal daily activities within two to four weeks after surgery. However, strenuous activity should be avoided for several weeks to allow for optimal healing. The final results may take several months to be fully visible, but with proper care, you can expect a significant improvement in the appearance of your abdomen and body contour.